'waitable'에 해당되는 글 1건
- 2009.05.12 HOWTO: 비동기 프로시저 호출을 이용하여 Waitable 타이머 사용 하기
HOWTO: 비동기 프로시저 호출을 이용하여 Waitable 타이머 사용 하기
Posted on 2009. 5. 12. 13:04
Filed Under Programming/Network
타이머(알람) 만들때 좋은 녀석이란다.
기회되면 한번 써보잣!! When..?
[CODE] // SetWaitableTimer.cpp : 콘솔 응용 프로그램에 대한 진입점을 정의합니다.
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define _SECOND 10000000
typedef struct _MYDATA {
TCHAR *szText;
DWORD dwValue;
LPVOID lpArg, // Data value.
DWORD dwTimerLowValue, // Timer low value.
DWORD dwTimerHighValue ) { // Timer high value.
MYDATA *pMyData = (MYDATA *)lpArg;
printf( "Message: %s\nValue: %d\n\n", pMyData->szText,
pMyData->dwValue );
void main( void )
HANDLE hTimer;
BOOL bSuccess;
__int64 qwDueTime;
TCHAR szError[255];
MyData.szText = "This is my data.";
MyData.dwValue = 100;
if ( hTimer = CreateWaitableTimer(
NULL, // Default security attributes.
FALSE, // Create auto-reset timer.
"MyTimer" ) ) // Name of waitable timer.
__try {
// Create a negative 64-bit integer that will be used to
// signal the timer 5 seconds from now.
qwDueTime = -5 * _SECOND;
// Copy the relative time into a LARGE_INTEGER.
liDueTime.LowPart = (DWORD) ( qwDueTime & 0xFFFFFFFF );
liDueTime.HighPart = (LONG) ( qwDueTime >> 32 );
bSuccess = SetWaitableTimer(
hTimer, // Handle to the timer object.
&liDueTime, // When timer will become signaled.
2000, // Periodic timer interval of 2 seconds.
TimerAPCProc, // Completion routine.
&MyData, // Argument to the completion routine.
FALSE ); // Do not restore a suspended system.
if ( bSuccess ) {
for ( ; MyData.dwValue < 1000; MyData.dwValue += 100 ) {
INFINITE, // Wait forever.
TRUE ); // IMPORTANT!!! The thread must be in an
// alertable state to process the APC.
} else {
wsprintf( szError, "SetWaitableTimer() failed with Error %d.",
GetLastError() );
MessageBox( NULL, szError, "Error", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );
} __finally {
CloseHandle( hTimer );
} else {
wsprintf( szError, "CreateWaitableTimer() failed with Error %d.",
GetLastError() );
MessageBox( NULL, szError, "Error", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );